Sunday, November 16, 2008

chunky white stuff.

It's November 16th and chunks of white are falling from the sky. These chunks of white, otherwise referred to as snow, are what will be discussed today. The ups and downs of snow if you will. Let's start with the very small list of up's.

Positive Things About Snow:
1. It's beautiful as its falling.
2. It's beautiful covering the trees.
3. It lets snowmobiles live a few short months of the year.
4. It allows me to buy really adorable winter hats and scarves.
5. The coffee business booms, this I like, if Starbucks were to close it'd be the death of me.

Even though this list is extremely minimal I will refer to it every chance I get in order to survive the next few months. Let's proceed with the negatives shall we?

Negative Things About Snow:
1. It creates an ugly thing once it hits the ground and combines with dirt, its called slush.
2. It kills all things green. (my favorite color)
3. It transforms speed racers into grandmas, thus combined with my talent of time management (sarcasm) makes me late for everything.
4. It makes me wear really adorable hats that ruin my really adorable hair style.
5. It soaks my socks.
6. It leads a trail of wetness through my apartment, thus soaking my socks even more.
7. It allows consumers energy to take more of my limited supply of money.
8. It almost kills me every time I dare get on the road.
9. It's an excuse for children to throw things.
10. It's equally ugly when I can see exactly where your dog pissed that day.
11. When it comes, it means Michigan must now go cold and dark, if I wanted to live in Alaska then I would be there making snow angels with Sarah Palin, but that's not the case.

I'll stop there. So with that list of pros and cons of snow, I guess its safe to say snow is a bad, bad thing. Feel free to comment with anything you'd like to add to this list. =D

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