Monday, November 24, 2008

green is the new black.

Going green, its what's "in" right now and its better for you. Living Green is all about taking actions that are not only good for the planet, but good for your wallet, which in this economy we can ALL use. So I am going to give some simple tips on how you can go green.

1. Only buy locally grown produce. The fruit or vegetable you're about to buy may be great for you, but if you traveled thousands of miles to get to your local grocery store then it's not great for the environment. Plus, buying locally means your purchase will support local farmers.

2. Fill your bottle with tap water as opposed to repurchasing bottled waters. The plastic isn't good for the environment. (I bet you didnt know that Americas demand for water bottles requires 1.5 million barrels of oil ANNUALLY, which can fuel up to 100,000 vehicles for an entire YEAR)

3. Skip out on the paper and plastic when grocery shopping and take your own reusable bag. Visit here to purchase your very own reusable bag.

4. Bike or walk to work, your wallet will expand, its healthier for you, and its less air pollution.

5. Carpool.

6. Recycle. Population is dense and landfills are scarce, recycling is a must. The average person creates 4.5 pounds of trash per day. Think how much is going into the landfills if you are not re-cycling.

7. Don't eat meat. I am not saying become a vegetarian but cut back on the meat consumption. If you cut back on eating meat you can help to prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. This act alone can save you a boatload of money in future medical costs, not to mention, maybe just MAYBE save a little cows life.

8. Move away from plastic food storage containers. Americans have a high dependency on plastic, plastic is a non biodegradable material, so save money and protect your health buy using glass containers.

9. Do laundry only when you have a full load.

10. Take shorter showers.

11. Plant a tree. Trees suck up carbon dioxide and make clean air for us to breathe. Save 2,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year.

12. Don't leave the water running while you brush your teeth.

Don't think that you can go without doing these, the more people that go green the better off we are, even if all we do is make a dent, a dent is better than nothing at all.

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