Friday, November 14, 2008

simplicity was key.

Remember when everything came easy? Life's biggest dilemma was getting cooties at recess or your Mom not letting you eat a cookie before dinner. Those were the days. Now those "troubles" are replaced with bills, scandals, full time jobs, and college careers. I remember being in middle school and dreaming about college and when I could move out, now I dream about being in middle school again and living rent free with a hot meal every night. The way life evolves is just fascinating, depressing, and awakening. What I wouldnt give just to be that carefree and imaginative again. It's like one day your jumping on the bed and the next you wake up wondering where time went. Time doesnt just fly when your having fun, time flies. It is the one luxury NOONE can ever have, I guess with that comes comfort. At least we know we're not alone, we all can relate to this, can feel the anguish of impossibilities and still feel a few of the benefits of being a "mature, responsible adult." (like staying up late, watching rated R movies, buying cigarettes, freedom in general.) I guess I just wish I was born in year 2958, where my imagined invention of LIFE ON DVD would exist. I could sit on this couch, put in the DVD, and watch how innocent, adorable, naive, and carefree I was...well, we can all wish in one hand and you know what in the other.

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